We will discuss those two lines of code in run
method of InksacpeExtension
class in this chapter.
The code of load_raw
method of InkscapeExtension
class is shown below.
def load_raw(self):
# type: () -> None
"""Load the input stream or filename, save everything to self"""
if isinstance(self.options.input_file, str):
self.file_io = open(self.options.input_file, 'rb')
document = self.load(self.file_io)
document = self.load(self.options.input_file)
self.document = document
We know the value of self.options.input_file
is a string from last chapter,
so the if part of the if...else...
statement will execute. It calls the
method to create a file object, and pass it to the self.load
The self.load
method defined in the SvgInputMixin
class is invoked here.
Below is the code of the load
method of SvgInputMixin
def load(self, stream):
# type: (IO) -> etree
"""Load the stream as an svg xml etree and make a backup"""
document = load_svg(stream)
self.original_document = copy.deepcopy(document)
self.svg = document.getroot()
if not self.svg.selection and self.select_all:
self.svg.selection =
return document
The load
method in turn calls a function load_svg
imported from another module.
It also adds two new instance variable original_document
and svg
from .elements._base import load_svg, BaseElement
Here is the function load_svg
definition in the inkex/elements/_base.py
from lxml import etree
SVG_PARSER = etree.XMLParser(huge_tree=True, strip_cdata=False)
def load_svg(stream):
"""Load SVG file using the SVG_PARSER"""
if (isinstance(stream, str) and
or (isinstance(stream, bytes) and
return etree.ElementTree(etree.fromstring(stream,
return etree.parse(stream, parser=SVG_PARSER)
Here the last statement return etree.parse(...)
is executed because steam
is a file object, not a string or bytes type. The etree.parse
method in lxml
module does the actual loading work. The lxml
module is not in the standard
library, and it is a third part library. It will be automatically installed
when we install Inkscape. We will discuss lxml
module later.
The Triangle
object has two instance variables document
and svg
, and both
reference the same XML tree in memory. We can modify the XML tree via either of
those two variables. It also saves a copy
of document
in original_document
instance variable.
The actual modification happens in the effect
method of Triangle
class thru the svg
instance variable.
def effect(self):
tri = self.svg.get_current_layer()
offset = self.svg.namedview.center
self.options.s_a = self.svg.unittouu(
str(self.options.s_a) + 'px')
self.options.s_b = self.svg.unittouu(
str(self.options.s_b) + 'px')
self.options.s_c = self.svg.unittouu(
str(self.options.s_c) + 'px')
stroke_width = self.svg.unittouu('2px')
if self.options.mode == '3_sides':
s_a = self.options.s_a
s_b = self.options.s_b
s_c = self.options.s_c
draw_tri_from_3_sides(s_a, s_b, s_c, offset,
stroke_width, tri)
The first line of the method calls get_current_layer
method of svg
to get an object representing current layer. The current layer information is saved in
the SVG file itself. The second line get the Inkscape view center coordinates.
The next four lines of code convert number unit from pixel to SVG internal default unit
millimeter. For example, the s_a
value is 100 px before the conversion, and
the value is 26.45 mm after. In Inkscape 1 inch is 96 pixels, and 1 inch is also 25.4 mm.
So the conversion is 100/96 in * 25.4 = 26.45 mm.
The effect
method calls draw_tri_from_3_sides
function defined earlier in the
module. The function in turn calls the draw_SVG_tri
function to create an
element and add it to the layer. We will discuss the
and other SVG elements later.
def draw_SVG_tri(point1, point2, point3, offset, width, name, parent):
style = {'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-width': str(width),
'fill': 'none'}
elem = parent.add(inkex.PathElement())
'style': style,
'inkscape:label': name,
'd': 'M ' + str(point1[X] + offset[X]) + ',' +
str(point1[Y] + offset[Y]) +
' L ' + str(point2[X] + offset[X]) + ',' +
str(point2[Y] + offset[Y]) +
' L ' + str(point3[X] + offset[X]) + ',' +
str(point3[Y] + offset[Y]) +
' L ' + str(point1[X] + offset[X]) + ',' +
str(point1[Y] + offset[Y]) + ' z'})
return elem
def draw_tri_from_3_sides(s_a, s_b, s_c, offset, width, parent):
# draw a triangle from three sides (with a given offset
if is_valid_tri_from_sides(s_a, s_b, s_c):
a_b = angle_from_3_sides(s_a, s_c, s_b)
a = (0, 0) # a is the origin
b = v_add(a, (s_c, 0)) #point B is horizontal from origin
c = v_add(b, pt_on_circ(s_a, pi - a_b)) # get point c
c[1] = -c[1]
offx = max(b[0], c[0]) / 2
# b or c could be the furthest right
offy = c[1] / 2 # c is the highest point
offset = (offset[0] - offx, offset[1] - offy)
# add the centre of the triangle to the offset
draw_SVG_tri(a, b, c, offset, width, 'Triangle', parent)
inkex.errormsg('Invalid Triangle Specifications.')
This section discusses the third method call self.save_raw
shown at the beginning
of this chapter. The save_raw
method is defined in InkscapeExtension
class like
def save_raw(self, ret):
# type: (Any) -> None
"""Save to the output stream, use everything from self"""
if self.has_changed(ret):
if isinstance(self.options.output, str):
with open(self.options.output, 'wb') as stream:
The method tests if the SVG file has changed via the has_changed
method in
class. It converts the original_document
and document
objects to string and compares if they are the same.
The save_raw
method then calls the save
method defined in SvgOutputMixin
class. The code of save
method is shown below. It calls the write
of output stream to transmit the modified SVG back to Inkscape.
def save(self, stream):
# type: (IO) -> None
"""Save the svg document to the given stream"""
if isinstance(self.document, (bytes, str)):
document = self.document
elif 'Element' in type(self.document).__name__:
# isinstance can't be used here because etree is broken
doc = cast(etree, self.document)
document = doc.getroot().tostring()
# actually execute this part
raise ValueError(f"Unknown type of document:
{type(self.document).__name__} can not save.")
except TypeError:
# we hope that this happens only when
# document needs to be encoded
stream.write(document.encode('utf-8')) # type: ignore
Let’s go back to the two lines of code at the beginning of this chapter.
The load_raw
and save_raw
methods are already defined in the inkex
module, so
we do not need to worry about them when we inherit from inkex.EffectExtension
We only need to override the effect
method. The second line of code
above implies that the effect
method has a return value which is then passed to
the save_raw
The effect
method of Triangle
class does not have a return statement, so
a None
value is passed to the save_raw
method. The argument ret
method is passed as an argument to has_changed
Here the has_changed
method in SvgThroughMixin
class is called. The
class code is listed below. The value ret
is not
used here, so we don’t have to return a value in the effect
class SvgThroughMixin(SvgInputMixin, SvgOutputMixin):
Combine the input and output svg document handling (usually for effects).
def has_changed(self, ret): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
# type: (Any) -> bool
"""Return true if the svg document has changed"""
original = etree.tostring(self.original_document)
result = etree.tostring(self.document)
return original != result
When we develop an Inkscape extension, we don’t need to care too much about
load and save processes. The inkex
module already has code to handle
them. It actually warps around a third party python module lxml
, which
does the XML loading, parsing, and saving. The
lxml official website
has lots of useful information. We will also discuss this module in a later chapter.
4. Extension Workflow